I feel terrible about Notre-Dame. It’s a unique architectural wonder that deserves to be preserved. Its place, at the centre of Paris, is more than merely physical. It holds ground in hearts and minds, in literature, in cultural and historical spirituality. Not only valued by those that live in Paris, but by all those around the world that have been drawn to and affected by its qualities.
But it’s a building. It wasn’t always there; it won’t always be there. As money pours in to preserve it, I can’t help but think of the calamities ahead that could be avoided if people could only see that the world is burning also. Just like the spire of Notre-Dame, the Earth is in a precarious state. Yet we continue to fail to act effectively, collectively, globally.
If we can come together to save a cathedral, because many believe it has world value, why then can’t we do the same for the planet we live on? It may seem obvious to point out, but here it is, the world has world value too and you’d really miss it if it weren’t there to underpin everything you do.
By all means, save Notre-Dame. Enjoy it for all the reasons it holds significance. But while we’re at it let’s also save our world, and the many natural and ancient wonders being lost daily, so this wonderful building, and we too, have something lasting to stand on.
Evan Shapiro
Author – Road to Nowhere